Excellent Patient Care: A Commitment to Compassion and Quality

Our services

We are a cash based practice and do not accept insurance

1:1 Consultations 

Let us learn all about you! Your heealth history, goals and dreams, discuss what lab testing is necessary and make a game plan for you to achieve optimal health.

15-90 mins |  $75-299 

Health Coaching

Let us help you with the ins and outs of nutrition and healthy living! We are here to keep you accountable and guide you along the way.

50 mins |  $200  

IV Therapy

Vitamin C | Chelation | Nutrients | Amino Acids | NAD+

Varying duration |  $100-$800

Comprehensive Labwork

Get in depth lab testing from full thyroid panels, viral panels, heavy metal testing, nutrient testing, toxic burden levels, stool studies, autoimmune panels, food allergies and much more!

Varying prices

HaloSauna Therapy

Rate Varies depending on time and modalities used

Red Light Therapy

Fuel your mitochondrial via photobiomodulation.

Skin Health | Collagen Formation

15 mins |  $19 

“My headaches have stopped, I've had normal bowel movements for the first time in years, and my pain is gone!”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.